Fibonacci sequence progression

The system " Fibonacci sequence progression", as it is called, is based on progressing a starting bet in case of a loss. However, there are some differences between this and martingale system.
How does Fibonacci sequence progression work?
At the beginning we take the numbers from Fibonacci sequence and we multiply our starting stake according to them.
The first numbers of the sequence are following: 0,1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34. Every consecutive number in the sequence is a result of adding its two predecessors. In the system we start multiplying from 1, although the first number in the sequence is 0.
The Guidelines of Fibonacci sequence progression
At first we pick our starting stake depending on the amount of money dedicated for the game e.g. 5€.
Now we look for events which rates are about 3.0 or higher. In Fibonacci sequence progression you can very well bet on draws in football (it is safer and needs less money in case of a long series of losses) and in ice-hockey (where draw stakes are very high). Next, in case of a loss we bet again but now we multiply the stake by the next number in the Fibonacci sequence. In case of a win we bet with a starting stake again.

To illustrate this system I will use an example.
We choose the starting stake, e.g. 5€.
1. We bet 5€, if we win bet another 5€ till we loose, then we multiply our stake by the next Fibonacci number (1) and bet again 5€.
2. If we win at 5€ we come back to the starting point and bet 5€, in case of a loss we again multiply our starting stake by the next Fibonacci number (1) and bet 5€ again.
3. If we win at 5€ we come back to the starting point and again bet 5€, in case of a loss we again multiply our starting stake by the next Fibonacci number (1) and bet 10€.
In any time when the given team draws we make up for the loss from former bets plus we gain a pretty big profit.
1. 5€ loss -> whole contribution 5€, win 15€
2. 5€ loss 5€ win -> whole contribution 10€, win 15€
3. 5€ loss 5€ loss 10€ win -> whole contribution 20€, win 30€
As you can see, the longer series of losses, the bigger income.

Level Stake Odds Expense Profit
1 1 3,2 1 2,2
2 1 3,2 2 1,2
3 2 3,2 4 2,4
4 3 3,2 7 2,6
5 5 3,2 12 4
6 8 3,2 20 5,6
7 13 3,2 33 8,6
8 21 3,2 54 13,2
9 34 3,2 88 20,8
10 55 3,2 143 33
11 89 3,2 232 52,8
12 144 3,2 376 84,8

Level Stake Odds Expense Profit
1 1 4 1 3
2 1 4 2 2
3 2 4 4 4
4 3 4 7 5
5 5 4 12 8
6 8 4 20 12
7 13 4 33 19
8 21 4 54 30
9 34 4 88 48
10 55 4 143 77
11 89 4 232 124
12 144 4 376 200

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