1. Back the horse that won the same race last year.
2. Back horses blinkered or visored for the first time.
3. Back the outsider of three.
4. If a top jockey is riding at his absolute minimum weight back his horse.
5. In handicaps restrict yourself to horses running off their old mark when their new rating will be higher.
6. In amateur and apprentice races, go for the most experienced and best jockey, whatever he or she is riding.
7. Consider the effect of the draw sensibly.
8. When studying a maiden race, find out whether any of the runners are engaged in big races later in the season; those that are must be highly rated.
9. Back the animal whose stable has sent it the longest distance for the race.
10. If the stable has more than one runner, go for the outsider.
11. Totally illogically, support horses with the same initials in forecasts.
12. Go for any horse whose racecard number is the same as its starting stall position.

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