Respect horses with previous course form – Paul Kealy Concentrate on unravelling two - or at most three - races per day – Mel Cullinan
Don’t rely on horses coming into their own with, or being found out by, the stiff finish. It isn’t there any more – Richard Austin Pile in again if your selection drifts – Pietro Innocenzi

1. Provided that nine or more run in the Derby back the second and third each time they run the same season.
2. In the City & Suburban and Great Metropolitan, if 16 or 17 run, follow the winner until it wins again, and the second until it wins or loses twice. If more than 17 run, follow both the winner and second until they win again or until the end of the season.
3. Follow the next season, twice only, all that start at less than 20/1 in the Atlantic Stakes at the Liverpool July meeting.
4. In the Wokingham Stakes back the first five in the betting next time out only, provided at least 12 ran.
5. Follow the next season, twice only, the winner of any race at Epsom, provided that there were 17 or more runners.
6. Also follow twice only, the next season, any horse that ran second in a field of 19 or more in any race at Epsom.
7. Back the two horses that are second and fourth in the betting forecast of your mid-day paper. If you want to bet in one race a day take the principal race only, but always keep to the principal race. No bet if there are less than seven runners.
8. Any horse which runs first, second or third, and runs again within eight days (excluding Sundays), is to be backed each-way. Should it lose, but get placed, back it once more.
9. Back every horse that has run second the last time out. If it wins never make it a loser till it does lose [I didn’t invent this system! GS] then do not back it again until it gets second.
10. Back the most tipped horse in the fourth race of the day up to August 1. After August 1, back the most tipped horse in the last race of the day up to November. During November you back the second most tipped horse in the last race of the day.
11. [Those who remember serial losers, Amrullah and Quixall Crossett should look away now! – GS] When a horse has run ten times without winning, and is still in the same stable, follow it with a small stake each time it runs. If there are more than one in a race, back the lot, as the prices are always big. You can afford to follow each and increase slightly after each failure, as you missed them during their long run of ten losing races.
12. Back the favourite of the second and last race at the Principal Meeting each day. Commence with a stake of £1 then double up on both races until a winner. Each race must be worked separately.
13. The world’s simplest system – and certainly one of the best – is to support non-handicap favourites, especially in the second half of the fl at racing season.
14. Select the non-handicap race with the smallest field, provided that the forecast favourite is at odds against and there are six or more runners. The system bet is two points on the favourite and one point on the second favourite.
15. There are several ways of picking out likely horses for trebles. SP favourites will appeal to the majority. One suggestion is that the SP favourites in three non-handicap races be chosen daily.
16. Pay special attention to the favourites in two-yearold non-sellers.
17. This system operates on the Classics only and can claim 17 winning seasons in the last 21 (as of 1950). The plan is as follows: Back the (named) favourite in the 2000 Guineas. If this does not win, back the favourite in the 1000 Guineas. If this fails to win, back the favourite in the Derby, and so on until a winner turns up. Use the following simple plan: one point First Classic; two points Second Classic; four points Third Classic; six points Fourth Classic; nine points Fifth Classic.
18. The winners of important or very open handicaps are often fourth or fifth quotations (newspaper SP forecasts).
19. The system horse in any five furlong race is the highest-weighted winner last time out. If there are no runners which won last time out, the highest-weighted second is chosen. If there are no qualifying seconds, the highest-weighted third is supported. Never more than one horse per race is backed, for in the event of there being two horses that won or were placed last time out and both are equally weighted, the race is void.
20. From all horses in the race (handicap) who were placed second or third last time they ran, take the one carrying the most weight and the one carrying the least. Of these two back the one with the more recent placing, PROVIDED there is a horse in the race who won on his previous outing and who is not carrying LESS weight than the TOP WEIGHT [still following here? GS] of your seconds and thirds. It does not matter if there are other previous winners carrying LESS weight than the top weight [keep up now, GS] of your seconds and thirds, provided at least ONE previous winner is carrying equal or more weight. If there are two or more horses carrying most or least weight, take the one with most recent placing. If still a tie, decide on a second over a third. If still a tie, nothing is done on the race. Operate on only one meeting a day. [Simple, what? GS]
21. From the beginning of November, backers should support the SP favourites in chases of all lengths that are not handicap chases. These favourites do best in the period before Christmas.
22. Take the selection of a reliable correspondent or paper catering entirely for racing enthusiasts and back the first selection. If a loser, the next selection is backed and so on, until a winner is found. The betting stops at the first winner.
23. They say that January is a bad month for the backing of favourites. The system I have used in January (and later) with excellent results well deserves to be called a ‘Certainty’ system, yet the one rule is absurdly simple. It is this: Back the favourite in any type of race that has six runners or less.
24. Following a stable during the jumping season can be profitable. Small stables are better to follow than large ones for the reason that the smaller trainers, whose very living depends on getting winners for their clients, do not throw away entry fees or incur travelling expenses on horses that have not outstanding chances of winning. Choose a small one – or two – and stick to the stable entries. You will be on the jobs that are readied.
25. Best races for favourites ‘over the sticks’… Cheltenham: Hawling Hurdle; Cirencester Chase; Tewkesbury Chase; Gotherington Novices Hurdle. Liverpool: Champion Chase; Valentine Chase; Liverpool Foxhunters’ Chase. Sandown: Chertsey Chase; Lilac Open Chase; Warren Chase; Withington Chase; Grand Military Hunters’ Chase.
26. Follow all those that start at 20/1 or less in the Stewards’ Cup; the first in the betting back next time out only. The others, back until they win, or lose five times.
27. Keep a list of the naps given by any number of newspaper informants. After, say, six days, look over your records and back the nap of the informant who has lost most in succession.
28. Select a six-furlong event, choose the most valuable. The selection is the latest WINNER last time out, providing it has not missed any engagements since winning. If no winner, turn to SECONDS; and if no seconds, to THIRDS; if nothing discovered, pass over the day’s racing.
29. On course method: Back all horses in twoyear-old non selling races and three-year-old Maiden Races which start odds on, for Place only, providing there are at least five runners, with Minimum Stake.
30. Back any horse for the next two outings that has been the medium of a ‘Job’ and been beaten, providing it runs second or third. Only take horses that ‘fall’ at least six points from the price quoted in betting forecasts.
31. Back all horses which won the previous day at any meeting. Should two system horses run in the same race the bet should be worded to back either if only one runs, but if both run NO bet.
32. During the months of March, April and May take the first horse down which won on either of its last two outings in the first five-furlong race down the programme, if no race of this distance take the six furlong, then the seven furlong. Should there be two races or more which qualify take the one with most runners.
33. For June take the selling race and if more than one take the most valuable, if of same value take shortest distance. To find the horse take the one which was second in either of its last three outings, working upwards from the bottom of the race.
34. For July take the first horse down in the first race which won on either of its last two outings, but preference is given to the horse which won last time out. If no horse qualifies in that race take the sixth race, then the fifth and so on until a horse qualifies.
35. For the month of August take the fifth horse down which won the last time out in the first race. Should one fail to qualify take the first horse down which won last time out in the last race. No race to be taken with less than seven runners and if more than one meeting, take the most important.
36. For September take the first horse down the programme which won either of its last three outings previous to the last time out, and if more than one meeting, take the most important.
37. For the months of October and November take the first horse down which won either of its last three outings in the last race at the most important meeting. If no horse won take the first horse which was second in either of its last three outings; failing that, take the horse which was third in the last three outings.
38. Back the horse carrying the most weight of those placed last time out this year, but which is receiving NOT LESS THAN five pounds FROM THE TOP WEIGHT – but if only one horse is so placed, three pounds qualifies.
39. From the runners in each race select those finishing first or second last time out. Take away from these any quoted in the betting forecast of the early morning papers at less than 2/1. This will probably leave a sole selection to be backed each way. If two or more remain back the one best placed last time out or invest to win only on each.
40. Back the first and second favourites in every race. Each horse should be backed with a level stake but after a losing week [Just the one? – GS] the stakes for the following week should be increased by one quarter, coming back to the original stakes when a profit is shown.
41. List all horses that win races of six or more runners of from one mile to one mile and a quarter by four lengths or more. If two or more run in the same race back the one that won by the greatest number of lengths.
42. Select a two-year-old race and if the first horse mentioned in the betting forecast is more than 3/1, the horse to qualify is the second.
43. List two-year-olds beaten a neck or head in a field of ten or more. Follow all horses with a level stake the next time out until the animal in question is beaten. If two horses to be backed run in the same race back the one with most recent form.
44. Have three bets per week and stake as follows: £1 to win, the treble; £1 to win, three cross doubles; £1 to win, each horse singly. The choice of the horses rests with the backer.
45. Take six reputable [That’s the end of that system! – GS] sporting journalists attached to daily papers. Make a note of their daily naps and do not begin to bet until six consecutive losers have been given by one tipster. Then follow him until a winner turns up or four consecutive losers are backed. If more than three tipsters nap the same horse, ignore it, as the price is likely to be short.
46. List all first favourites placed second in fields of eight or more and beaten by not more than one and a half lengths. Back these next time out irrespective of the date when listed, provided they give six pounds or over away.
47. List all winners of £1,000 races or over [suggest rather heftier value these days, GS]. Back them next time out, also the time after, provided the weight is not increased by more than three pounds for every length the horse won by.
48. Choose two races in each of which the issue seems fairly clearly to rest with three horses. Suppose horses are A, B, C in one race and D, E, F in the other. Double them as follows – A.D., A.E., A.F., B.D., B.E., B.F., C.D., C.F. Try this, the WINS will surprise you.
49. Note the ‘most tipped’ horse of the day from the summary of any mid-day sporting paper. When the indicated horse has lost twice consecutively back the horse indicated on the third and fourth days only. If the horse wins on third day, ignore the fourth day’s indication and wait for two more ‘most tipped’ horses.
50. The last system Wood recommended in his legendary 100 World Famous Racing Systems (price 20 shillings – or, to you, a quid) is presumably his least favourite, or perhaps his most favourite, thus signing off with a fl ourish. Decide for yourself – and use it at your peril… ‘Horses backed are the ‘most tipped’ in each race obtained from newspaper summaries. The prices in the papers are halved, say Campanula is 9/2 you call this 9/4 [with him so far? GS]. To win £1 you would put 9 shillings [45 pence] on, and if this loses you back the next horse to win £1 and your 9 shilling loss. Each time you lose you add your loss to the amount you desire to win. When you get a winner, start again. Do not bet on the Flat for first three weeks of the season. Start at commencement of the Hurdle season. For one bet per day the most tipped horse in the last race, if absent, the next most tipped and carry on until a winning balance.’ [See you in the Poor House!! GS]

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